It is something we are constantly asked: “Does art serve to educate children?” We always answer yes, that art is a language, a tool, a different and enriching way of perceiving the world.
“But what exactly does Art do to educate children?” Insist some of the people who asked us the above question.
Well, lots of things. For example…
Art is communication
Children express many of their feelings and emotions through drawings, sculptures and collages. Instinctively, they begin to relate the work of artists to their own work. They learn a new language that will help them to better understand themselves and others.
Art is self-affirmation
The children feel satisfied when they finish an artistic work of their own making. They show it to us proudly. Among other things, because it is theirs, unique, original, different from those of others. Every time we congratulate them for what they have done, their self-esteem grows.
From the idea to I love you very much
Art is symbolic
Two little round dots, a straight line and half a circle. That is a face drawn by a child. Art serves to translate the world around us into signs, into reinterpretable symbols. In this way, children’s abstract thinking is stimulated. And it also reinforces the learning of writing, reading and mathematics.
Art is affectivity
Educating children by drawing, painting or modeling with them is an activity that generates attachment. When an adult and a child share an artistic activity, all kinds of stimuli come into play: physical contact with the materials, creative fun without complexes, and the execution of a joint project.
From analysis to action
Art is perception
Children learn a lot through what they see. They are born imitators. If we put a child in contact with Art at a very early age we will be helping them to become familiar with it. By copying the style of great artists they will come into contact with other ways of perceiving the world. Their internal and external vision will be enriched.
Art is entrepreneurial
When executing an artistic work, the child necessarily learns to make decisions on their own: what theme to treat, what materials to use, what colors to choose. Each decision they make will have its consequences. Children who are familiar with art know that a problem can be solved in many ways: they just need to use their imagination and get down to work.
We invite you to turn Art into an educational tool for children with our Contemporary Art and Graphic Design Workshops. All the information is HERE.