Last Monday began the workshop program with the artists Rafa Castañer and Gonzalo Elvira.
It is a pleasure to have them to do this kind of activities: they are creative, they propose fun themes, they use recycled materials, they participate with the same enthusiasm as the children who attend, and they are next to them directing the activity but they let them think and act as they want.
From their artistic project “Grans recorreguts” they accompany and teach the children to express themselves, to “use” that tool that we all have which is creativity. The workshop they proposed to start with consisted of making masks.
Absolute freedom both to use materials and to give them the shapes they wanted
The children did not know each other, nor the space, much less Rafa and Gonzalo.
At first they seemed shy, but it didn’t take long for each one of them to let themselves go. And the result:
Thanks to all of you for participating!
Next workshops with Rafa and Gonzalo after the vacations.
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