Who will be the protagonist of our next art workshop for children? Joan Brossa! When is it?
Saturday, September 30.
Right next to PLOM Gallery, at Planet Bea (C/ Sèneca, 29).

The figure and the work of Joan Brossa are very topical right now thanks to the exhibition Poetry Brossa, which opened yesterday at the Macba (Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona), and will remain open until February 25, 2018.

4 interesting things about Joan Brossa

Joan Brossa (Barcelona, 1909 – 1998) was a poet who did not limit himself to writing poetry, but also painted it and
painted and drew it
anddrew it; he constructed it and manipulated it ; he recited it and sang it on stage.
He played with words.
With their appearance, with their sound, with what they meant.
Painting them in colors, combining them with each other, looking inside them.

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Together with his friend
Joan Miró, he discovered surrealism in the 1930’s, and became interested in the visual poems of
Stephane Mallarmé and
Guillaume Apollinaire. In the late 1940s, he was part of the group of artists linked to the magazine Dau al Set, made up of Miró, Joan Ponç, Antoni Tàpies, Modest Ciuxart, Joan-Josep Tharrats and Arnau Puig. In the 50s, 60s and 70s, he experimented with theater, film, dance, ephemeral sculpture, graphic design and audiovisual performances, combining the avant-garde spirit with Pop sensibility , defying the Franco dictatorship with the use of Catalan as the language of reference .

Poetry: creative play and artistic challenge

Joan Brossa’s work is characterized by its apparent simplicity.
It is understood at the first time.
It enters through the eyes.
It surprises visually and stimulates intellectually.
It amuses and makes you think.
It is perfect to inspire a good art workshop for children.

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Brossa’s visual poetry can mean many things at once, while never ceasing to be a game that forces the viewer to participate in the creative experience.
From an educational point of view, Brossa’s work is directly related to the way children are initiated into the world of art and artistic languages.
It allows us to establish parallels and pose creative challenges back and forth.
That is what we will do in our art workshop for children.
Are you going to miss it?

Yes, well, but why Joan Brossa?

Well, among other things, because he wrote things as
asthis poem:


What do we do?
Where do we go?

Where do we come from?


But here there is a box of colored of colors.


What do we do?
Where do we go?

Where do we come from? But here is a box ofcrayons. Joan BrossaFrom thebook El saltamartí / El tentetieso ( 1969)

Or this one:


The poem

es posa en moviment

i us fica per la boca

d’una foradada.










the poem is for

why go down and get out

a la llum del dia.



The poem

is set in motion

and shoves it in your mouth

of a tunnel.










the poem stops

for you to go down and out

in daylight.


Joan Brossa

From the book El saltamartí / The saltamartí / The tentetieso / The tentetieso (1969)

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