Last Saturday we organized a Flipbook workshop with Gonzalo Elvira and Rafa Castañer, the two members of GR, an art project created for and by children.
The flipbook is a book that contains a series of images that vary gradually from one page to the next, so that when the pages are turned quickly, the images seem to animate simulating a movement.
It is a laborious and repetitive work: it involves first working with the imagination to decide what story you want to tell and secondly, a lot of effort because it is a matter of repeating and repeating, adding new elements little by little so that the story progresses.  


IMG_4418 It was a workshop of more than two hours, so I want to congratulate all the children who participated because it was not easy… and also Rafa and Gonzalo are very demanding. ….
We really believe that activities like this help the children to stay focused and with the illusion of reaching the end and fulfilling a goal.
The environment and being with other children helps to make it fun, relaxed and productive!
We leave you the video, “Rayos y Centellas” which is the result of work, commitment and the union of all.
Congratulations! To see it click here: rays and sparkles