Giving art to a child for Christmas is an investment in the future for many reasons.
We have tried to put them in order and reason them.
On the one hand, because we are very interested in the subject.
And on the other hand, because thinking about it motivates us to continue working in a territory -that of art for children- full of possibilities.

10 reasons and 4 categories

In this article you will find 10 good reasons to give art as a Christmas gift to a child.
These 10 reasons can be grouped, in turn, into 4 different categories, depending on the utility we want to give the gift itself.
Here are the 4 categories:





The first 3 categories are understood the first time.
The fourth one, we better explain it to you at the end.

Jar of Treasures, by Susie Hammer. Limited series.
Do you like it?
Visit our SHOP. The work that heads this article is Los otros, by Carmen Segovia . You will also find this Limited Series in our SHOP.

Art makes us better people

Giving art as a Christmas gift to a child means betting on his or her education and training.
Art teaches, inspires and makes you think.
With this in mind, here are our first 3 reasons:

REASON #1: I want to stimulate their artistic sensitivity

Indeed, there is nothing better than a work of art to start the little engine of artistic sensitivity that we all carry inside.
Art calls to art.
If you like a work of art, you’re sure to get the urge to see more similar (or totally different) works of art.
You start with Vall Karsunke and ends with El Bosco, passing through Matisse, Warhol or Miu Mirambell.

REASON #2: I want to stimulate their imagination and creativity

Yes, art has a very interesting imitative effect.
A work of art that we really like can encourage us to pick up a pencil or a paintbrush.
It also invites us to daydream, to look for interpretations, to tell stories to ourselves.
What does this artwork mean?
How could I express something similar?
Is it possible to say I love you, Mom with a drawing?

REASON #3: I want to stimulate their abstract thinking and emotional intelligence

This point is linked to the previous one.
Art poses dilemmas and offers us solutions.
Dilemmas that cannot be touched with our hands and solutions that are built from what we feel.
The sooner we learn to live with these emotions, the better.
In fact, many times, art can become the first tool that helps us to express our emotions.
And that is invaluable.

Notebooks from the Original Series by PLOM Gallery. Original drawing by Vall Karsunke. Do you like it?
Visit our SHOP.

Allegretto, by Pep Brocal. Limited series.
Do you like it?
Visit our SHOP.

Art is the gift that lasts the longest

Giving art as a Christmas gift to a child means betting on durability and long-term investment.
Works of art increase in value over time, both emotionally and commercially.
With this in mind, here are 3 other undeniable reasons:

REASON #4: I want to add an artistic detail to their most intimate environment

A child’s room is the place where they will spend the most time during their formative years.
So, introducing artwork into this environment, enriches it, adds value.
The art we give a child is, 99 percent of the time, beautiful.

REASON #5: I want him to grow up discovering new things in my gift

Artworks grow with us, as we grow with them.
They get better understood as time goes on.
They become more and more interesting to us, because we discover details in them that we hadn’t seen before.

REASON #6: I want my gift to last a lifetime

This is a fundamental detail.
Works of art do not wear out.
They don’t run on batteries.
They do not go out of style.
On the contrary, they accompany us, they are part of our lives, they move with us to other homes.
And, if we are lucky, their market value can increase to infinity and beyond.

The Three Little Pigs dominoes . Designed by Lluís Farrés for Paquita’s Toys. Do you like it?
Visit our SHOP.

Bowie is Here, by Ana Truan. Original artwork for sale in our SHOP.

Art has superpowers

Giving art as a Christmas gift to a child means betting on humanist values.
Being aware of the importance of culture and art in our society makes us better people.
With this in mind, here are 3 more reasons:

REASON #7: I want him to become familiar with the concepts of authorship and artistic value

Works of art are made by artists, at specific times and for specific reasons.
To know artists is to value their work.
Therefore, valuing talent and dedication implies also stimulating in ourselves those character strengths.

REASON #8: I want to make you aware of interesting contemporary artists and works of art

In a world as hyper-connected as ours, it is becoming increasingly difficult to be truly informed about what the art world is all about.
It’s good to know who Dali or Goya were , but it’s even better to be familiar with the work of artists who are active right now.
Art is alive.
It’s not (just) a museum piece.

REASON #9: I want to give you the first piece of a future art collection

We give you a first piece of art.
Then, we give him a second one.
And a third… Little by little, the child understands the value of art and becomes interested in it.
I don’t know, better to collect art than to collect ……………… (choose something you consider absurd).

Puzzle Artists Parade. Designed by Ingela P Arrhenius for OMM Design. Run to buy it at our SHOP.

Super Man, by Cristina Borobia. Original artwork for sale in our SHOP.

Giving art as a gift to a child at Christmas time pays off

And we come to the tenth and last reason.
The most subjective of all.
The one that at the beginning of this text we included in the category PERSONAL SELF-ESTEEM.
What are we talking about?
Well, the desire we all have to be original by giving something as a gift.
In short: that our gifts are fondly remembered over time, that they differentiate us from others.
It’s not something we say out loud, but I’m sure we’ve thought about it more than once…

REASON #10: I want to become ‘that special person’

… Be careful, giving art as a Christmas gift to a child means having to face certain responsibilities.
Suddenly, we can become those children’s favorite people.
We’re going to introduce them to a wonderful world, the world of art.
And that has consequences.
Wonderful consequences, indeed.

Obviously, these 10 reasons are not all that exist.
There are many more.
Find out for yourself by giving art as a gift to a child this Christmas. Sweatshirt for boy or girl. Original Series by PLOM Gallery. Original drawing by Vall Karsunke. Do you like it?
Visit our SHOP (or come to see it in our gallery in Sèneca 31, Barcelona).