In this exclusive text for PLOM Gallery, writer and journalist Pedro Calleja reflects on the fascination of letters and numbers in children who are beginning to artistically decipher the world. My son Pedro is 2 years and 8 months old (well, he is now 4 years and 4 months, but when I wrote this text, he was 2 years and 8 months). He likes letters and numbers.
He spends all day sorting, reciting and writing letters and numbers.

Dark Ages, limited series by Zosen Bandido. We still have a few numbered copies signed by the artist.
In our SHOP.

Alphabets are sacred to him.
He knows how to read and write letters and numbers separately and in groups of 2 or 3 signs.
He is beginning to discover that letters form words and words form sentences and sentences tell stories.

Visual poem, facsimile in 2 inks of the original by Joan Brossa. We have copies in our SHOP.

He hasn’t started drawing yet.
He doesn’t draw anything.
Only letters and numbers.
When he looks at a painting or an illustration, what strikes him most is the author’s signature: he spells his name.
And he smiles with satisfaction.
What he likes most about his favorite books are the texts, because they are letters and numbers.

The art of letters and numbers explains the world

Mountains, limited series by Muji Lee. Last numbered and signed copies in our SHOP.

I am fascinated by his fascination with signs.
I think that Pedro, with his attitude, recovers the original artistic value that signs have.
The shape of letters and numbers.
The changing form (upper and lower case), decorative (sizes, colors), expressive (trembling stroke, energetic stroke).

If you fall in love with the shape of the signs, what won’t happen when you discover their meaning?

Pedro Calleja is a journalist and advertising creative.
His son, Pedro Calleja Puebla, is the owner of one of the 100 copies of the limited series
The holy devil, by Sergio Mora, for sale at Plom Gallery.