Is there such a thing as art that makes you grow?
At PLOM Gallery we know there is.
In this exclusive text, journalist and writer Pedro Calleja talks about the importance that a work of art can have in the life of a child.
Let’s say it’s the year 2025.
A documentary filmmaker is interested in the so-called Children of the Holy Devil. The documentary filmmaker contacts me to interview my son, who is about to turn 12.
He is one of the Holy Devil’s Children. One of 100.
He was born in October 2013, at the Hospital del Mar, in Barcelona.
His name is like mine, Pedro Calleja. The first gift he received in his life, on the first day of his life, was a copy of the limited series The Holy Devil, by Sergio Mora. A nice gift.
A PLOM gift.
Let’s imagine what would happen if my friend the documentary filmmaker were to meet Pedro in the year 2025.
Has growing up with El Diablo Santo hanging in his room influenced his character at all?
Does Pedro share personality traits with other Diablo Santo Kids? I would like to see that documentary.
And the sequel to that documentary, which would be shot in 2038, with my son Pedro about to turn 25.
I’d learn things I’m guessing right now: like how art sparks the imagination even before a child’s mind is born with an interest in culture.
Art that makes you grow… and improve
Right now, in January 2018, El Diablo Santo, with his contradictory costume and serious humor, is just a cute image that is part of Pedro’s room decoration.
For him, at 4 years old, he has the same importance as the Yoshi doudou , from Yohi&Olivia, or the bedtime book ¿Dónde oso? by Sophy Henn . by Sophy Henn. In other words: VERY IMPORTANT!
I can’t wait for one day, in the not too distant future, when Pedro turns over Sergio Mora’ s painting and finds PLOM Gallery’s certificate of authenticity written in his name. “What is this, Dad?” On that day, the universe will expand all at once.
For me and for him. “This painting was painted by an artist named Sergio Mora and this copy of his painting is just for you,” I will explain, aware that I am starting an endless conversation that will bring us together and separate us and bring us together again in the future.
And then, other days and other questions will come. “What is a devil?” “What is a saint?” “Can there be holy devils?” And the cosmos will tremble with laughter and pride.
And best of all: 99 other boys and girls will ask similar questions, inspired by El Diablo Santo that belongs only to them.
Pedro Calleja is a journalist and advertising creative.
His son, Pedro Calleja Puebla, is the owner of one of the 100 copies of the limited series El Diablo Santo, by Sergio Mora, for sale at PLOM Gallery.