Shortly after opening the gallery I met Clàudia Valsells.
Clàudia is a painter, color specialist and founder of Arts & Claus, a brand she created.
For 20 years she has been decorating and painting the best hotels, venues and interior spaces with color as her greatest ally.
Currently she combines her activity as an artist with that of colorist helping other brands to build their identity through color.
Clàudia is a creative person, enthusiastic, fun, talkative, pure energy, and she is also a mom.
I mention this last point because it will be a year since we opened the gallery and besides discovering that “art has superpowers” I have discovered that we moms have them too…
I hope you like it!
Clàudia Valsells: “Thank you Martha!
It makes me very excited to add a little more color to your blog.
When I met Martha, the gallery and her project it took me only a few hours to come back, but this time I did it with my children.
The little 6 year old was “flipped” by the bright colors of the artist Miju Lee; the 10 year old Martina was fascinated by the sharp inks of Marta Gustems and the older one by interacting with all the artists through the screen.
Plom Gallery captivated us, each one in his own way, but there was a common denominator: the color of Plom Gallery! My profession as a colorist has always been linked to artistic painting.
As a visual artist I explore the connections between inspiration and creation through color.
There are infinite ways to approach color and mine has always been associating color to its form, I explain: for me color is materialized on a surface, hence the strong link between color and the material to which it is subject.
Color and its texture coexist creating their own forms in perfect harmony.
So, those of you who are familiar with fashion will see and think of colors in tweed for gray blues and browns, in silk for pale pink and aqua green, in chenille for emerald green or turquoise burgundy, and in cretonne for beige.
These will be colors with thousands of shades and sensations.
Graphic designers will think of inks; flat, opaque, transparent inks on an infinite scale.
Those of you who work in industrial design, architecture or decoration will associate colors with their body, warm or cold, rough or smooth, fragile or hard.
Colors that are usually balanced and neutral. IMG_3171 But surely you all always have the need to touch when you see a color sample, because if you touch the color you connect more to it.
Can you imagine someone touching a color of a painting in a museum just to understand more the meaning of the work they are contemplating?
Nooooo!!!!!!!! On the other hand, the architect, the interior designer or the designer need to touch the color of a wall, the leg of an iron table or the feel of the linen of the curtains.
Yes, a textile designer needs to approach color through touch.
Yes, a graphic designer needs to see and touch the sample of that Pantone 333c printed on that Conqueror 300gr matte paper…… Touching the material connects us more with the color. IMG_3172

  So in the arduous task of color selection I invite you to add touch to the eye. Choose colors by touch as well as by eye. The finish of certain materials brings us closer to the color when we touch them. The texture of the material makes the same color different by the mere fact of being touched and perceiving that it is rough, fine, silky, cold, dry or wet. An ocher in a plastic bottle is brown, an indigo blue in wool is lighter, a fluffy red is warmer than in plastic, a white in wood is beige. So let’s develop our senses, let’s develop the invisible of touch! So far everything seems simple but ….. then how do we approach the color in a work of art if we can not touch it? As Félix de Azua explains”. Only the art of painting invents the color of the world for us.
Painting does with color what music does with sound: convert them into meanings.
Painting frees us from subjection to color.”
Claudia Valsells, October 2014   The three images are oil on wood by Clàudia Valsells ( 2014 ) You can see all of them at :